Anthuriums laten bezorgen? Profiteer van onze tijdelijke week aanbiedingen. Voor iedere gelegenheid de mooiste bloemen. Leuk om te krijgen én leuk om te geven.
A beautiful species from the tropical Americas, A. Voor aanvullende informatie over dit Araflora product dienen de onderstaande symbolen.
Helaas is de tekst over de plant nog niet beschikbaar, er wordt hard aan gewerkt. Zijn veelzijdige look past zowel in een klassiek als een modern interieur. Is jouw anthurium te groot geworden voor de pot, dan is verpotten een goed idee.
Doe dit bij voorkeur in de lente, omdat de lichtere dagen de knopvorming stimuleert. Zet haar in een plantenbak waarbij de diameter minimaal twintig procent breder is dan de vorige en gebruik hiervoor speciale anthurium potgrond. This anthurium has dramatic white or light green veins contrasting with dark green foliage. Flower spathes are light green with a reddish tinge. Likes partial shade or light shade.
In winter, temperatures of not less than degrees Fahrenheit are.
So I was reading about this anthurium , which I have had actually for many years (but like a lot of my plants it got neglected for a long period of time and at this point I am just lucky to still have it at all). The largest leaf I have is right at 13. They include forms such as A. De anthurium is niet alleen mooi, maar ook makkelijk in onderhoud en daarmee een van de weinige bloeiende kamerplanten die geschikt zijn voor kantoor.
This plant is a stunning addition to any vivarium due to its silvery velvety leaves and intense pattern contrast. It has iridescence and literally looks like glitter was spilled on it. It does well in moderate, indirect light and high humidity. Some Panamanian plants from premontane forests in the Darién Province that are currently lumped under this species may have slightly subterete petioles, darker leaf color and fewer leaf veins arranged quite differently than the plant shown below. Description Its leaves have a smooth surface and dark green color that is punctuated by pale, white veins.
Your best bet would be to remove all the pulpy part of the berry by squeezing out the seed and sowing them on the top of sphagnum moss in a sealed pot or covered tray with a clear top. Crystallinum will typically produce dark green, smooth leaves with highlighted white veins that are up to two feet in size. Faustinomirandae will often produce monstrous five foot leaves that are stiff as paperboard.
Additional information about this plant will become available later. The first thing you should do is contact the seller directly. If you’ve already done that, your item hasn’t arrive or it’s not as describe you can report. Magnificum is certainly that.
This velvety hybrid has enormous round leaves and is absolutely one of the most fantastic anthuriums we grow. Aroids are fascinating plants for your garden design but more about that later. We do not use these to store personal information about you.
Continuing to use this website means you agree to our use of cookies. Die hübschgezeichneten, großen Blätter der Pflanze aus Kolumbien sind breit-herzförmig. It has large dark green leaves with contrasting silver veins. It needs warmth and humidity to thrive, and is only suited to the tropics as an outdoor plant.
This is a epiphytic plant, slow grower with nice heart shaped leaves. It prefers to be mounted on wood. It can also be potted up in orchid mix as itaeration in.
Small plants available for a very affordable price for this species. Het bla wit- en roze- geader valt wel op. De plant gedijt alleen in een warme kas met vochtige lucht.
Het beste is een plek aan een oostelijk of noordelijk raam. Zoniet krullen de bladeren op en kleuren ze stilaan.
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